Worsening of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a pathology in which the intervertebral discs that separate the vertebrae are destroyed. Degenerative dystrophic changes in tissues can develop at different rates and exhibit different symptoms. Clinical manifestations depend on the site affected and the cause of the disease.

General characteristics

Destructive processes in the spine can lead to irreversible consequences that greatly complicate a person's life. They can affect any area—cervical, thoracic, or lumbar—or spread throughout the spine.In most cases, osteochondrosis occurs in waves: periods of exacerbation alternate with periods of remission. In this case, there may be 3 process options, of different nature:
  • Progressive - each subsequent exacerbation is accompanied by more severe symptoms, with shorter intervals between them;
  • Regression - Steady decrease in frequency and intensity of attacks;
  • Stable – periodic worsening of the same symptoms.
It is also worth noting that injuries to different parts of the spine not only manifest themselves in different ways. Their treatment approaches and methods also have their own characteristics.


Pathological changes in the discs and vertebrae do not appear immediately. Their development precedes the deterioration of blood circulation and nutrition of the paravertebral structures caused by external and internal factors.Degeneration of osteochondral tissue occurs in people of all ages and is one of the hallmarks of physical aging. However, after an injury or general illness, this process can be accelerated dramatically.Overloading the back (both dynamic and static) when a person is forced to remain in the same position for long periods of time greatly contributes to the early onset of rickets.Cervical osteochondrosis is divided into three stages, each stage has its own manifestations:
  • Stage 1. Periodic headaches and discomfort in the back of the neck and back of the head;
  • second stage. Headaches become more frequent, you sometimes feel dizzy, and your performance decreases. In the second stage, patients most often visit a doctor, but complete repair of the damaged structure is no longer possible;
  • The third stage, the finals. It is characterized by massive damage to the vertebrae, discs, and ligamentous systems. It presents with severe and nearly constant headaches, loss of motor coordination, cervical spine stiffness, and decreased vision and hearing.
spinal deformitySome experts divide osteochondrosis into four stages: The final stage is accompanied by almost complete loss of mobility and severe neurological symptoms.As the stage progresses, the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc loses water, its elasticity disappears, and its shock-absorbing properties decrease. The discs become dry, flattened and ruptured. Adjacent vertebrae move closer together, causing the facet joints to shift. All of these can lead to spinal nerve compression, pain, and other symptoms.IMPORTANT: Treatment of stage 2 and 3 osteochondrosis comes down to preventing recurrence and maximizing remission.

Reasons for worsening of condition

In order for neck cartilage to deteriorate, you must be exposed to one or more factors, among which doctors say:
  • High loads on the back and spine due to lifting weights or changes in the athlete's training program;
  • Psycho-emotional overload;
  • Massage or manual therapy procedures performed by unqualified experts;
  • Seasonality – exacerbations occur most often in the spring and fall;
  • Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy and menopause;
  • Have a debilitating chronic illness, including frequent colds;
  • Sudden weight gain.


The onset of cervical osteochondrosis may begin with discomfort in the shoulder girdle and occipital areas. At the same time, general health deteriorates, a person quickly becomes tired and performs worse in coping with professional and daily responsibilities.Sometimes, headaches get worse suddenly. Often (72% of cases), there are some signs that an attack is coming, especially a feeling of heaviness in the head and dull pain in the neck and shoulder girdle. Symptoms usually worsen in the morning. The symptoms of exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis bear significant similarities to the general clinical manifestations of the disease. The main symptom is pain of varying intensity and nature. There may be pain in the back or sides of the neck and in the head. The pain usually radiates to the collarbone area and shoulder. For some people, pain only occurs when they turn or tilt their head or move their arms.IMPORTANT: Sometimes cervical chondrosis can "mask" a heart attack and cause pain under the breastbone, under the shoulder blades, and in the left arm.Symptoms of acute osteochondrosis may also include:
  • Dizziness;
  • Decreased sleep quality, poor concentration, and poor memory;
  • Spots flash before the eyes, noises and ringing in the ears;
  • Nausea turns to vomiting;
  • Violation of wording;
  • Sensitivity disorders in the neck and arms.
Symptoms of spinal osteochondrosisThere is no "painless" variant of the course of osteochondrosis, and damage to any site is manifested by pain of varying location and intensity.Cervical chondrosis cannot be ignored and must be treated. If left untreated, not only will it worsen more frequently, but it can also lead to serious complications such as stroke. Acute cerebrovascular accidents are caused by compression of the large arteries that supply the brain.

How long will cervical osteochondrosis worsen?

The duration of an attack depends on what triggers it, the season and the person's general health, as well as treatment. During the cold season, exacerbations are more intolerable and last longer.On average, the acute phase lasts four days to a week, and then the pain gradually subsides, taking about three weeks. The total duration of the exacerbation was one and a half months.

what to do

If you suspect cervical chondrosis, your best bet is to see a neurologist or orthopedic surgeon. He will conduct the necessary research to find out what is causing the exacerbation and prescribe appropriate treatment.Before seeking medical attention, you should avoid any pressure on your back and assume the position that is most comfortable for you. It is recommended to lie on a flat and elastic surface and relax the neck muscles as much as possible to reduce the intensity of pain. It is recommended to wrap the painful area with a scarf, handkerchief or blanket.It is important to immobilize the cervical spine and try not to rotate or tilt the head excessively. Doctors even recommend wearing special orthopedic collars for this purpose. You can make your own from absorbent cotton and cardboard, or you can buy it at a pharmacy.IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not wear an orthotic collar for more than four hours a day, otherwise it will do more harm than good and recovery will be delayed.The most famous neck collar is the Shants collar. This is an indispensable tool for temporary unloading and stretching of the spine in the cervical area. Despite its rather rough appearance, this splint can provide comfort and significantly reduce pain if chosen correctly.Severe pain can be relieved with painkillers. The most effective medications come from NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).If osteochondrosis worsens, it is forbidden to heat the sore area in any way - using warm ointments, applying mustard paste or compresses, or taking steam baths in a sauna. Do not massage the affected area or self-medicate.


Treatment of exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis can be carried out with both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. The latter includes physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics. Traditional medicines can be very effective, but only with the consent of the attending physician.Treatment of osteochondrosisSurgical treatment of osteochondrosis is performed only in extreme cases and includes partial or complete removal of hernias, osteophytes (bone growths)In the acute phase, pain relief is the main focus. Analgesics and NSAIDs are prescribed in injection or tablet form, depending on their strength. These may be medicines based on the substances diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesulide, metamizole sodium. In addition to them, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory ointments. Muscle relaxants help relieve muscle spasms. If swelling occurs, diuretics are prescribed to remove excess fluid, thereby relieving pressure on the nerve endings.After the resolution of acute symptoms, treatment is added with vitamin complexes containing B vitamins; nootropics to normalize the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers; chondroprotectants to restore and strengthen the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs.


Physical therapy can be performed during the subacute phase and continued during the remission phase to help quickly relieve the progression of cervical osteochondrosis. They help improve blood supply to damaged areas, relax muscles, and reduce pain and inflammation. The methods traditionally considered most effective are electrophoresis, ultrasound, magnetism and cryotherapy (cold therapy).At the beginning of the remission period, massage is prescribed, which can be done in a specialized office or by yourself at home. It's best to practice both.

exercise therapy

If cervical chondrosis worsens and is accompanied by severe pain, strict bed rest is recommended. When the pain subsided, they started with semi-bed rest and then gentle exercise therapy.Sleeping on orthopedic mattresses and pillows can be useful for all patients with any stage of rickets. Such accessories maintain anatomically correct body position and relieve morning stiffness and pain through gentle traction on the spine. In hospitals, Glisson rings are used for this purpose.Osteochondrosis orthopedic pillowThe preferred locations for cervical chondrosis are the sides and back. An important condition is a comfortable and "correct" pillow, preferably an orthopedic pillow.When the acute pain passed, they began physical therapy exercises. It is very effective when combined with other methods. The first training session should be conducted under the supervision of a coach, who will select and teach you how to perform the exercises correctly.IMPORTANT: The cadence and amplitude should be increased gradually, extending the program and increasing the load over time.

Bonina's gymnastics

  1. While sitting or standing, raise your arms. Inhale, place your fingers at the top and lower your clasped hands. The neck remains in place.
  2. Rotate your shoulders half a turn. Pull your shoulders back to create an arc in the air, then return along the same arc.
  3. Extend your head forward and hold this position for a few seconds.
  4. Turn your head now to the right and now to the left, glancing back each time.
  5. Simultaneously lift your right shoulder and lower your left shoulder.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics

  1. Sit in a chair, turn your head to the right, lower your chin to your shoulder, and maintain this position. Then repeat the exercise to the left side.
  2. Tilt your head toward your chest while pulling your neck slightly forward and upward.
  3. Lift your head and chin, first to the right, then to the left. Then repeat the exercise, raising your hands and clasping your fingers.
  4. Place your left hand on your right shoulder and turn your head to the left. Hold for a few seconds, then turn your head to the right and place your right hand on your left shoulder.
  5. Place your hands on your hips and slowly straighten, moving your back back and pulling your neck up.
  6. Starting position - standing, head down. Smoothly move your chin first to the right, then to the left shoulder, lowering it at the midpoint of your chest each time.

traditional method

Home treatment of cervical osteochondrosis includes water and warming procedures and the use of orthopedic devices. Lotions and compresses made from vegetables and herbs have always been popular.If the condition worsens, take a hot bath and wrap a warm scarf around your neck. To reduce pain and inflammation, lotions are made from herbs such as sage and peppermint. To prepare a healing solution, brew one to two tablespoons of the herb in a cup of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. After cooling to a comfortable temperature, soak a cotton pad or bandage in it and apply it to the painful area for 10-20 minutes. The procedure is performed up to 4 times per day. Onion compress is made from onions grated or chopped in a blender. Distribute the resulting mass on gauze and apply it to the neck, covering the top with plastic wrap and cotton cloth. After 2-3 hours, remove the compress and wash the skin with warm water.Compression treatment for osteochondrosisTherapeutic heat is a simple, affordable and highly effective treatment when used correctly.Here's how to use kerosene: Soak a linen or cotton fabric (you can use gauze or a bandage) in kerosene and apply it to the neck area. Cover the top of the dressing with cotton wool or polyethylene to prevent it from spreading. Do not leave it for more than three hours; if a strong burning sensation occurs, remove it immediately and rinse with water.As an ambulance for acute cervical chondrosis, use products with the following ingredients:
  • 5 metamizole tablets, grind into powder;
  • Ethanol – 15 ml;
  • Camphor alcohol – 5 ml;
  • Iodine – 5 ml.
Mix everything and rub it into the skin of the painful area.Osteochondrosis can also be treated "from within", such as by taking pine bud infusions. In this recipe they can be used straight from the pharmacy or gathered fresh in early spring. Fresh buds must be cut beforehand.Pine Buds for Osteochondrosis TreatmentFor medicinal purposes, it is better to use medium-sized buds since they contain more useful substances.Add sugar to the raw materials in a ratio of 1: 2 and soak for two weeks. The finished product is one teaspoon three times daily. To enhance the effect, hold it in your mouth for a while and then swallow. Treatment lasts for three weeks.

Things to consider

All doctors insist that the early stages of osteochondrosis are barely noticeable and not particularly disturbing. At this stage, when symptoms are limited to mild discomfort and slight stiffness in the morning, it can only be cured with the help of exercise therapy. No medications are required, but you must make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle.The best way to prevent the disease itself and its recurrence is physical activity. Regular physical activity maintains good posture and helps prevent destructive processes in the spine.There is much more that can be done for severe, advanced cases. Systematic implementation of therapeutic gymnastic complexes and pharmacotherapy courses will significantly improve health and reduce the risk of new exacerbations.


What symptoms may occur if cervical osteochondrosis worsens?

During an exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, patients may experience neck, shoulder, arm pain, dizziness, numbness or tingling in the arms, and limited neck movement.

What factors can cause cervical osteochondrosis to worsen?

Exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis may be caused by overloading the neck, prolonged incorrect posture, trauma, stress, and age-related changes in the spine.

What treatments are effective for exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis?

To relieve the symptoms of worsening cervical osteochondrosis, non-pharmacological methods (massage, physiotherapy, exercise), pharmacological treatments and, in some cases, surgical intervention can be used.

Useful tips

Tip #1

Maintain correct posture and avoid maintaining incorrect posture for long periods of time. Perform regular neck and back exercises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility.

Tip #2

Avoid sitting in front of a computer or monitor for long periods of time. Take regular breaks to stretch your neck and back, do eye exercises, and perform neck and shoulder relaxation exercises.

Tip #3

Use pillows and mattresses that support your neck and back in the correct position while sleeping. This will help reduce the load on the spine and prevent osteochondrosis from getting worse.